
Privacy policy

§ 1 Information on the collection of personal data

(1) We shall provide information on how and why we collect your personal data when you use our website in the following. Personal data comprises all information that can be used to personally identify you, e.g. name, address, email addresses, surfing behaviour.

(2) The data controller for this website pursuant to Art. 4 (7) of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is Edith-Haberland-Wagner Stiftung, Theresienhöhe 14, 80339 München, (please refer to our legal imprint). You can contact our data protection officer at or at our postal address with the addition of “Data Protection Officer”.

(3) When you contact us by email, we will store the data you disclose (your email address, name and phone number) in order to answer your query. Data collected for this purpose shall be erased as soon as storage is no longer required, or we shall restrict the processing thereof in the case of statutory storage obligations.

(4) If we commission third-party services for the provision of individual functions of our website or intend to use your data for advertising purposes, we shall provide you with detailed information on the respective procedures below. We shall also specify the determined criteria for the storage duration.

§ 2 Your rights

(1) You are entitled to the following rights regarding your personal data stored by us;

  • Right to information;
  • Right to rectification or erasure;
  • Right to restrict data processing.
  • Right to object to processing;
  • Right to data portability;

(2) You also reserve the right to lodge a complaint to a data protection supervisory authority concerning processing of your personal data carried out by us. The responsible supervisory authority is the Bavarian Data Protection Authority, PO Box 606, 91551, email:

§ 3 Collection of personal data when you use our website

(1) When using the website for information purposes only, i.e. when you do not register or disclose information to us using any other method, we shall only collect the personal data that is transmitted to our server by your browser. If you would like to view our website, we shall collect the following data, which is technically required to display our website and ensure the stability and safety of our website (legal basis: Art. 6 (1) p. 1 (f) GDPR):

  • IP address
  • Date and time of the visit
  • Time difference to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)
  • Content of the request (specific pages)
  • Access status/HTTP status code
  • Data volume transmitted per visit
  • Website from which the request originated Browser
  • Operating system and the corresponding user interface
  • Language and version of the browser software

(2) In addition to the data listed above, cookies will also be saved on your device when your use our website. Cookies are small text files that are allocated to the browser you use and saved on your hard drive, which enables the website that sets the cookie (us, in this case) to receive certain information. Cookies are not able to run programs or transfer viruses to your computer. Their purpose is to make website as user-friendly and effective as possible.

(3) Use of cookies

a) This website uses the following types of cookies, the scope and functioning of which shall be explained below:

Transient cookies (see b)
Persistent cookies (see c)

b) Transient cookies are automatically erased when your close your browser. They include session cookies. These store a session ID, which can be used to assign various requests made during one session to your browser. This enables the future recognition of your device when you return to the website. Session cookies are deleted when you log out or close the browser.

c) Persistent cookies are automatically erased after a defined period, which varies from cookie to cookie. You can erase cookies in the security settings of your browser at any time.

d) You can configure your browser settings to your desired settings and object to the use of third-party or all cookies, for example. We would like to note that objecting to the use of cookies may prevent the proper functioning of certain elements of this website.

§ 4 Use of Google Analytics

Privacy policy on the use and application of Google Analytics (with anonymisation)
The data controller uses components from Google Analytics (with anonymisation) on this website. Google Analytics is a web analysis service. Web analysis is the collection and evaluation of data on the surfing behaviour of website visitors. Amongst other things, a web analysis service collects information on which website the data subject accessed our website from (referrer), which subpages of the website were visited and how often and for how long each subpage was visited. The primary reason behind the use of web analysis is to optimise the website and analyse the cost-benefit ratio of internet advertising.
The operating company of Google Analytics is Google Inc, 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy, Mountain View, CA 94043-1351, USA.
The data controller uses the extension “_gat._anonymizeIp” for web analysis performed by Google Analytics. Google uses this extension to truncate and anonymise the IP address of the data subject’s internet connection when our website is accessed within a member state of the EU or a non-member state which is party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area.
We use Google Analytics to analyse the flow of visitors to our website. Google uses the collected data and information to analyse the use of our website and, amongst other things, to compile online reports on our behalf to provide information on surfing behaviour on our website and enable us to offer additional services related to the use of our website.
Google Analytics sets a cookie on the data subject’s IT system. The term cookie has been defined in the above. Setting cookies enables Google to analyse the use of our website. Each time a user visits one of the individual pages on this website that features a Google Analytics component and is operated by the data controller, the web browser on the data subject’s IT system is automatically prompted by the respective Google Analytics component to send data to Google to enable online analyses. Within the scope of this technical process, certain personal data is transmitted to Google, such as the data subject’s IP address, which Google uses to trace the origin of visitors and clicks, amongst other things, and subsequently facilitate the settlement of commission fees.
The cookie that is set is used to store personal information such as the time of access, the location from which the website was accessed and the frequency of visits to our website by the data subject. Each time our website is visited, this personal data, including the IP address of the data subject’s internet connection is transmitted to Google servers in the USA. This personal data is then stored by Google in the USA. Personal data collected via technical processes may also be transmitted to third parties by Google in certain cases.
As previously mentioned, data subjects can prevent and permanently object to the setting of cookies by our website through the corresponding settings in their web browser. Changing the relevant web browser settings prevents Google from setting a cookie on the data subject’s IT system. Any cookies previously set by Google Analytics can likewise be erased at any time through settings in the web browser or other software programs.
Furthermore, the data subject reserves the right to object to and prevent the collection of data generated by Google Analytics pertaining to their use of this website and the subsequent processing of this data by Google. In order to enact this objection, the data subject is required to download and install the browser add-on from the link below: This browser add-on informs Google Analytics via JavaScript that data and information related to visits to websites must not be transmitted to Google Analytics. Google recognises the installation of this browser add-on as a declaration of objection. The data subject shall be required to reinstall the browser add-on to deactivate Google Analytics in the case that their IT system is erased, formatted or reinstalled at a later date. The browser add-on can be reinstalled and reactivated at any point in time if it has been uninstalled or deactivated by the data subject or another person within their sphere of influence.
For more information on Google’s applicable privacy policy, please visit and abgerufen. The following link contains a summary of Google Analytics: genauer.

§ 5 Integration of Google Maps

(1) We use services offered by Google Maps on this website. This enables us to display interactive maps on our website and facilitates easy navigation of the maps feature for users.

(2) When you visit our website, Google is informed that you have visited the corresponding subpages of our website. Furthermore, the data specified in Section 3 of this statement shall be transferred to Google’s servers. This shall take place regardless of whether you are logged into a Google user account or whether you do not have an account with Google. If you are logged into your Google account, your data shall be directly assigned to your account. If you would like to prevent Google from assigning data to your account, please log out of your account prior to clicking on the Google Maps button. Google saves your data as part of a usage profile and uses it for advertising and market research purposes, and/or the needs-based design of its website. This analysis is primarily carried out (even for users who are not logged in) to provide personalised advertising and inform other users of the social network about your activity on our website. You reserve the right to object to the creation of a user profile and must contact Google to exercise this right.

(3) Please refer to the privacy policy of the respective service provider to learn more about the purpose and scope of data collection and the processing thereof by plug-in providers. This link also provides more information on your rights in this regard and how to change your browser settings to protect your privacy: Google also processes your personal data in the USA and is a signatory to the EU-US Privacy Shield,

§ 6 Objection or revoking consent to the processing of your personal data

(1) You are entitled to revoke consent you have previously granted to the processing of your personal data at any time. Once you have notified us of this revocation, the future permissibility of future processing of your personal data shall be affected.

(2) If the processing of your personal data takes place on the basis of a balancing of interests, you are permitted to object to the processing. This is the case if the processing is not required for the fulfilment of contractual duties, as defined in the following description of functions. If you wish to exercise your right to revoke consent, please state the reasons why you object to us processing your personal data. In the case of a justified revocation of consent, we shall review the facts and either discontinue or adjust the processing of your data, or inform you of our compelling legal grounds to the continued processing of your personal data.

(3) You reserve the right to object to any processing of your personal data that is carried out for advertising or data analysis purposes at any time. In order to lodge an objection, please contact us using the following contact details: Edith-Haberland-Wagner Stiftung, Theresienhöhe 14, 80339 Munich,


Liability for the contents of our website

In accordance with Section 7 para. 1 of the German Telemedia Act, as the service provider, we are responsible for the contents we publish on this website within the framework of general legal provisions. In accordance with Sections 8 to 10 of the German Telemedia Act, however, as the service provider, we are not obligated to monitor disclosed or stored third-party information or search for indications of unlawful activities. Statutory requirements to erase or block contents or information, or to block potential uses of our internet presence are excluded from the above provision. In every case, liability can only be assumed at the point in time when we have concrete knowledge of a violation of statutory provisions. We shall remove the culpable content as soon as we become aware of any legal violations concerning the contents of our website.

Liability for links

Our website contains links to external third-party websites. We would like to draw your attention to the fact that we have no influence on the contents of these websites. We therefore cannot assume any liability or warranty for the contents of these third-party websites. The respective provider or operator is the liable party in this regard. No unlawful content was found at the time the links to these websites were set, and the websites were also checked for any violations of statutory provisions. However, we are not able to constantly monitor the contents of linked websites. We shall only review content if we receive concrete evidence of legal infringements, insofar as this is required. If we discover a legal infringement on the linked website, we shall immediately remove the corresponding link on our website.


The contents and works published on our website are governed by German copyright law. Any duplication, processing, distribution, or any kind of utilisation of the contents of this website requires written approval from the respective author or creator. Downloads and copies of the contents of this website are only permitted for private, non-commercial use.

Our website may contain content that was not created by the site operator. Third-party copyrights have been observed for this content. Content that has been copyrighted by third parties is marked accordingly. Despite this, if you discover a violation of copyright law on our website, we ask you to notify us. We shall then immediately remove the respective content from our website.